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That was a bit easier than last time, right? :P Uvd hss fvb ohcl av kv pz, lualy aol hjabhs nhtl huk afwl pu aol uhtl vm aol thpu tlub zvun, iljhbzl pcl illu spzalupun av pa mvy dhf av svun
Below are clues. Each first letter to each answer to each clue corresponds to one letter of the word you're looking for: 1. "This hero’s real name is ------, and he is a member of the ------, wielding a powerful ring." 2. "This hero’s real name is ------, a billionaire playboy who uses a bow and arrow to fight crime." 3. "This hero’s real name is ------ and he is the son of ------ and ------, known as the leader of the X-Force." 4. "This hero’s real name is ------, and she is a ------ who shares a similar power set with her cousin, ------." 5. "This hero’s real name is ------, and he is a ------ by day and a vigilante by night in ------ Kitchen." 6. "This hero was born with the power to control the weather, and her real name is ------. She is one of the iconic leaders of the ------." 7. "This hero’s real name is ------, and he is the king of ------, known for his enhanced strength and vibranium suit." 8. "This hero’s real name is ------, and he is the creator of the ------, giving him the ability to shrink and grow in size." 9. "This hero’s real name is ------, and he is a ------ with the power to manipulate metal." 10. "A founding member of the ------, this hero is known for his brilliant scientific mind and ability to ------ his body into incredible lengths"